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Are you an Urban Mom? We're here to support you through every post-childbirth query like feeding issues, baby sleep issues, colic baby issues, mood swings and more. Talk to us anytime anywhere. We are available to resolve your queries 24*7.

We also have Personally curated Programs for you to help you navigate your parenting Journey. Learn how NurturEz works and how can you get started now.

Our Program

Feel better for your baby and yourself.

We understand your problems and curate a personally designed program which is outcome based.

Just for You !


Boost your mood

This period can push us into cycles of feeling low.


Be Heard

It can be hard to voice our needs, but it's more important than ever to do so.


Manage your anxieties

Our worries can feel constant and never-ending.


All is well

And learning to let go of the things we can't control.


Don't be hard on yourself

Many will feel more critical of themselves during this period.


Healthy Relationships

Tension in our relationships can create a challenging dynamic to this time.


Day 1

Tell us about yourself

It's incredibly common for new moms to struggle with anxiety. When you come to NurturEz, we'll ask you a few questions to understand more about you.

Day 2

Access your personalized program

We use your responses to create a program tailored to your particular needs. We use evidence based therapeutic techniques proven to help you feel better.

Day 3 - Day 85

Engage daily for 15 mins with us at any time any where for the next 3 months

We are going to be your goto friend to manage your anxieties. Perform an activity which is assigned and tell us about it on a daily basis. 

Day 86 - Day 90

Feel the results

Get a tangible outcome of before and after

program. You will get a Personalised Memo of Key Moments during the journey with us. The Program doesn't end here, you will be a lifetime member of NurturEz and receive special discounts on future services.


Get Started Today


It will get better with time.

Built from Research

NurturEz is rooted in evidence-based techniques. We have ran through multiple researches to bring out the best for you. 

Our studies show that the program leads to clinical improvements.


Co-Created with Urban Parents like you and us

We've worked with over 200 mothers and 50 experts to design our programs.

While our approach uses science-based methods, we know research alone isn't the answer. We were designed by and with parents like us to bring compassionate care

Get Started Today

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